CHITA – a registry of in vitro NAMs
If we want to replace animal testing in biomedical research, how do we find human-relevant alternatives? It’s not that simple. There are 1000s of human cell-based assays and systems that…
Where are we with validation of assays to replace animals for product testing? The short answer: not very far. While many innovative platforms with potential as animal alternatives have been…
A recent paper from NTP showcases the application of mechanism-based NAMs for prediction of cardiotoxic potential. In a previous post, Getting Back on Track with NAMs at FDA, we encouraged…
Has FDA lost it’s way with NAMs? NAMs or New Alternative Methodologies is the term used by FDA for new regulatory tools to improve predictivity and help replace, reduce and/or…
How can we incorporate human-based animal alternatives into drug discovery? Can we reduce animal testing and still improve program success? Making good decisions requires integrating information from many assays and…
A strong chain of translatability is crucial for successful drug discovery programs. The chain of translatability is a molecular-level association between the mechanisms that drive the assay phenotype, the preclinical disease…